Route Map
Mitchell & Bertie’s evasion route across Jutland, Denmark
Click on any pin to open an information window about the event that occurred at that location, from the jettisoning of the escape hatch in western Jutland to the departure of Mitchell and Bertie from eastern Jutland. Expand the map to separate nearby pins that overlap.
2 Green pins identify locations where pieces of Lancaster ME449 were found
2 Orange pins identify locations to which the bodies of the two dead crewmen, Porter and Morris, were taken
3 Blue pins indicate estimated locations of three sites at which Mitchell and Bertie passed one night during their evasion
5 Red pins identify known locations of five sites at which Mitchell and Bertie passed at least one night during their evasion
Yellow pin indicates the coastal location from which Mitchell and Bertie left Denmark for Sweden
Grey pin identifies Mitchell and Bertie’s intended destination when they began their evasion