70th Committee
70th Anniversary Organizing Committee
Kirsten Kolby, Tarm Parish Council
Gail Michener, daughter of Stoney Mitchell
Committee Members
Søren Flensted, Commonwealth War Graves Commission (Denmark Team)
Per Bonde, Tarm
Magnus Kolby, Tarm
with assistance from
Dan Michener, son-in-law of Stoney Mitchell
Anni Guldberg Madsen, Brønderslev
Sue Westcott, daughter of Merv Bertie
many other people who helped in numerous ways before and during the 12 March 2015 event including Birthe Holme Kasch, Per Kasch, and Lone Bonde who kindly made photographic and videographic recordings of the 70th Anniversary Event
Søren Flensted, Kirsten Kolby, and Magnus Kolby
Dan Michener and Per Bonde

Gail Michener and Sue Westcott

Anni Guldberg Madsen